Risk controlling with the help of indicator systems

whitepaper risk controlling with the help of indicator systems

A risk management system with various key performance indicators is a suitable instrument for monitoring the performance of a company. These key performance indicator systems provide management with important information about the state of a company or individual segments, allowing it to assess its own creditworthiness.

In the white paper we explain which areas of the annual financial statements need a more detailed analysis in order to optimally influence the assets, finances and results of the company, and give useful advice for building a key performance indicator system.

Contents of this whitepaper:

  • Indicator systems and their significance in company financing
  • Principles of the indicator analysis
    • Aims of the indicator analysis and database
    • Processing the annual financial statements for controlling purposes
  • Structure of the indicator system
    • Indicators to analyse the asset structure, the capital structure, the balance sheet structure, liquidity, the cash flow statement and revenue
  • Summary and indicator systems in LucaNet